CCMS Monitor Templates Monitor Set


In the Alert Monitor, you can find a number of monitor sets delivered by SAP. These contain the most important monitors that allow you to easily monitor your IT landscape. The SAP CCMS Monitor Templates monitor set contains the most important monitors for your daily monitoring tasks. You can either use the monitors from this set directly or as templates for your own monitors (see also Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Monitors).


The SAP CCMS Monitor Templates monitor set contains the following monitors:



Availability and Performance Overview Monitor

Availability monitoring of selected systems and their application servers

Background Processing

Background processing of the SAP systems and their application servers


The various SAP buffers, their hit rates, and swap rates

Structure linkChange & Transport System

Transports for a system


Data transfers (SAPconnect, SAP Gateway, Application Link Enabling, LDAP, RFC)

Structure linkData Archiving

Monitored data archiving sessions


Database (such as table status, performance, backups, data consistency)

Dialog Overview

Overview of the dialog system, broken down by performance attributes

Dialog per Application Server

Overview of the dialog system, broken down by application servers

Entire System

Entire system (including detailed information about SAP services)

Structure linkExchange Infrastructure

Monitoring of the Exchange Infrastructure including the Integration Engines, the associated qRFC queues, and self-monitoring

File Systems

File systems of any application servers and host systems

J2EE Applications
J2EE Engine
J2EE Landscape

Monitoring of the J2EE Engine (see Structure linkAlert Monitoring of the J2EE Engine Using the CCMS)

Operating System

Operating system data for any application servers and host systems

Performance Overview

Most important values about performance and information about possible causes of performance problems


Security Audit Log and security-relevant messages in the system log

Spool System

Spool system of the SAP system and the individual output servers


System log broken down by application servers and individual topic areas

System Configuration

Number of logged-on users and configuration settings of application servers

System Errors

Information about the most important error messages of the system

Workload Collector

Monitoring of the workload collectors

To start one of these monitors, follow the procedure below:


1. Start the Alert Monitor using transaction RZ20 or choose CCMS ® Control/Monitoring ® Alert Monitor.

2. On the CCMS Monitor Sets screen, expand the SAP CCMS Monitor Templates set.

3. Start the desired monitor from the list by double-clicking it.


You cannot change monitors delivered by SAP. However, to use one of the monitors in this set as a template for your own monitor, first copy the desired monitor.


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