An alert is first stored in the monitoring segment of the shared memory. When you complete the alert, the alert is deleted from the monitoring segment and stored in the alert database. In this way, you can ensure that there is always enough place in the monitoring segment. This is especially true for complex IT landscapes with a large number of monitoring tree elements (MTEs). In the Spacesubtree of the CCMS Selfmonitoring monitor, you can check whether there is still enough free space in the monitoring segment.
If there is no more space in the monitoring segment for additional alerts, alerts are automatically completed, using several levels:
· First, the alerts that are beyond the maximum number of alerts to be stored of the MTE responsible are automatically completed (see General Properties of Monitoring Tree Elements).
· If this is not sufficient, alerts of all MTEs of the monitoring segment are automatically completed, starting with those that are above the maximum number of alerts to be stored; if necessary, an increasing percentage of alerts within this number is also automatically completed.
To simplify this task, you can automatically complete alerts. You can select the conditions under which alerts should be automatically completed:
· You can automatically complete alerts which are older than a certain number of days.
· You can automatically complete alerts when the free storage space in the monitoring segment falls below the threshold value for a yellow alert. Beginning with the oldest alerts, the system completes the required number of alerts so that the performance attribute for the free storage space is assigned the color green again. You can find the attribute (FreeAlertSlots) in the Space subtree of the CCMS Selfmonitoringsapurl_li monitor.
You can also ensure that there is enough free storage space in the monitoring segment by reducing the number of reported alerts for each MTE (see General Properties of Monitoring Tree Elements).
To automatically complete alerts, you must set the parameters of the CCMS_Space_Collect method. This method is responsible for determining the free storage space in the monitoring segment. Follow the procedure below:
1.CCMS Alert Monitor 2.The system displays the Monitoring: Properties and Methods screen. In the Methods group box, select Method Definitions and choose Display Overview. 3.The system displays a list of method definitions. Choose the method CCMS_Segment_Space_Collect. 4.The system displays the Monitoring: Methods screen. Choose the Parameters tab page. The parameters have the following meaning:Parameter | Possible Values | Description |
CMPL_ALERT_AFTER_DAY | If a value higher than zero is entered here, alerts that are older than | |
CMPL_ALERT_IF_QUOTA | If the value X is entered here, alerts are completed if the free storage space in the monitoring segment falls below the threshold value for a yellow alert. |

From now on, alerts are automatically completed in accordance with your settings.
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